Tribe of Benjamin

Benjamin comes from two root words, Ben and oni.  Ben means: a Son and oni means: to exert oneself in vain, to come to naught, affliction, evil, false idols, iniquity, mischief, mourning, naught, sorrow, unjust and unrighteous, vanity and wickedness.  The two parts together are “Son of my Oni,” or perhaps, “Son of my Sorrow, Son of my Iniquity, Son of my Unrighteousness, Son of my Vanity, Son of my false idols.  Remember Mighty Friend that every one of the sons of Jacob was named by his mother!




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Gemini aligns with the month of Sivan and is part of The Mystery Religions of Babylon teaching that attempts to corrupt the hearts of men with the Hebrew Teomim.  Beware of such things little Children of the Light!


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