The Elijah Ministries

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Elijah TV is shared by a small group of servants that have come to make The Way straight and to restore all things.  They teach the things that are mysteries to the world’s religious systems.  They reveal the truth hidden in the Torah and the Parables of Yeshua.  The teaching of these mysteries and the revelation of YeHoVaH’s prophetic scriptures are what have inspired the creation of The Glory Broadcasting Network, TGBN.  It is our hope, with prayer, that freely giving the revelation of The Word will bring forth an awakening in this dark world.  A rising up of those who love the truth for the battle of the hearts, minds and souls of those that are asleep, Yea those that will find they have no oil left in there lamps at the appointed time of His coming. 

© The Glory Broadcasting Network 2013-2016 - Glory Knowledge International - The Elijah Ministries  - Powered by Ruach haKodesh